March 13, 2007

Kindergarten Graduation

It is more and more exciting each day, the last two days we were filming kindergarten graduation ceremonies, some of the cutest moments. These children are both orphans and they come from families that can not afford private schools so their children go to Mercy Schools for 10 Baht a day (approx .30) The parents are so proud of the kids that they insist on this ceremony and take a day off work to be there. Father Joe's speech to the children after they all receive their certificates is all about go to school no matter what, if it rains or if your shoes are broken or if you father is a drunk, or you mother is in jail, always stay in school.
Today we got to go watch a few of the girls go do a traditional dance at a funeral, one of the teacher's mom's died so we went. about a 10 minute ceremony including the dance, it was in a parking lot of a temple, then after the dance there was a bell and all the guests (not us) walk up the temple stairs to the covered casket and walk back down. Everyone has been so friendly and out going and are all seeming to be excited about being on camera. here are a few more photos

Tomorrow we are hoping to go into the slums to see the fire devastation that happened a month ago and they are still waiting for government planners to come and fix it but instead Father Joe and his team are going in to get things started as they have been doing for 30 years,.
more to come.

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